Note: If you are part of a site license, please check your university or company web site to update to EndNote X9.3.3. During installation, click OK when asked to overwrite the existing application.įor Single User Licenses, you will need to re-enter the EndNote X9 Product Key to complete the installation. Once downloaded, double click the installer file to proceed with the installation. Users of a preconfigured site installers who are granted a multi-user license can download an up-to-date installer for their license via the link they receive when they purchase EndNote. You can download the updated EndNote X9.3.3 installer file from here. To fix this, you will need to reinstall EndNote X9 with the latest update (EndNote X9.3.3). If you upgraded to macOS Catalina before updating your EndNote to version X9.3.3, the EndNote app will be disabled in the Applications folder.

Manual update instructions for EndNote X9 ( after updating to Catalina) If this reads EndNote X9.3.3 (Bld 15659) you have the latest version of EndNote installed.